Most of us probably have a drawer or a cupboard or a cardboard box
where we keep a few bits and pieces that we don’t want to throw away
“just in case we might need them”.
Things like old photographs; instructions on how to make things work;
odd details or addresses which might come in handy.
Our “rummage drawer” is a bit like that,but it’s sorted
into sections instead of just being one big pile.
So with any luck, you’ll be able to find what you want quite quickly
Just click on the labels below to find what you’re looking for.
Management Committee |
Contact Us |
Carol Service |
Coarse Fishing |
Coffee & Tea |
Computing |
Gardening |
Golf |
Lunches |
Outings |
Quiz |
Rambles |
Weekend Breaks |
Barclays Contacts |
Financial Welfare |
General Welfare |
Physical Welfare |
Picture Gallery |
Surfers' Paradise |
When I Die |
Management Committee |
Contact Us |
Carol Service |
Coarse Fishing |
Coffee & Tea |
Computing |
Gardening |
Golf |
Lunches |
Outings |
Quiz |
Rambles |
Weekend Breaks |
Barclays Contacts |
Financial Welfare |
General Welfare |
Physical Welfare |
Picture Gallery |
Surfers' Paradise |
When I Die |