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If you been to Annual General Meetings before,

you’ve probably been to a few that have been pretty boring.

That’s why we try to turn ours into something of a social occasion.

The Meeting usually takes place in March each year, and most recently has been

held at Toddington Village Hall   -  a venue which is very close to Junction 12

of the M1, and (just as important) very close to the local baker, whose cakes

have become quite a powerful attraction!

Formal business is kept to a necessary minimum, and includes the presentation

of the accounts, the election of members to the Management Committee,

and reports on Club activities.

Wrapped around that is the opportunity to meet former colleagues

whom you might not otherwise have come across during the year,

and our long-established Book/CD/DVD Swap (where you don’t have to bring one

in order to take one).  So it’s not surprising that

the event lasts for a reasonable part of the morning!